Monday, June 13, 2011

The New Light Bulb Fiasco

May 19, 2011

Here we go again. Congress has mandated that to save energy, the incandescent light bulb must go. We will have to convert to fluorescent (CFL) bulbs.  Which company bribed Congress?  I am all for conservation and protecting the environment as long as it is sensible, economical, and convenient. This is none of those. 

CFL bulbs have mercury in them.  If one of the CFL bulbs breaks, you are supposed to leave the room immediately, open the windows and doors (don’t break one in Phoenix on a 110 degree day) and ventilate the area. Then put on a mask, sweep up the mess, put the thing in a plastic bag, seal the bag and “properly” dispose of it.  No one has said what they are going to do with the Mercury in the damn thing.

LED bulbs hold great promise. They produce a good quality light, use very little energy, last a long time and have no mercury. The LEDs cost around $50.00 each. I have 15 bulbs in my apartment. That means I will have to spend $750.00 to replace my existing bulbs. What are these folks smoking?

By the way, did you know that (some) of the smoke alarms in your house have radioactive chips in them?

You are supposed to return them to the Atomic energy Commission if they break or wear out.  Yet, the building codes REQUIRE that you have these little radioactive buggers.

By the way, do you have any mutant children running about?  If you do, send them to the AEC with the smoke detector!

Hey Congress!  Thanks Assholes!

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