Monday, June 13, 2011

Crock of Crap #2 - Gas Prices

Wish I had said that:  “If you voted for Obummer in 2008 to prove you weren’t a racist, you’ll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you’re not an idiot.”

Gas prices today are a result of several factors. Among these are the failure of the Department of Energy to do its’ mandated job, failure to allow the development of domestic fuel sources, Federal monetary policies, and speculation in the commodity market.  Let’s have a look.

  1. Lack of a US energy policy. Oh please!  Jimmy Carter set up the US Department
of Energy to get the USA off its dependence on foreign oil.  When the Arabs (OPEC) cut off imports in the 70’s, the U.S. imported about 30% off its oil. But today we import about 60% of our oil.  We had a windfall profits tax, different prices for “old oil” and “new oil”, and EPA regulations that would choke a horse.  Yet, to this day we discourage domestic production.  Had the DOE done its’ job, we would be importing NO OIL today!

The Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) holds great promise, but yet the tree huggers raise hell about drilling there.  If ANWR were the size of the continental USA, the area in ANWR proposed for drilling is about the size of Rhode Island.  The wildlife adapt and there are no trees to hug. Drill!

There are drilling leases in New Mexico that are not being explored because of a damned lizard.  The animal lovers insist that this lizard “might be” affected by having to crawl over disturbed earth and pipelines. I grew up among the lizards in West Texas and I have seen them everywhere man has been. On oil leases, on pipelines, on paved roads, on dirt roads, on well sites, on trash cans, in alleyways, on brick fences and on the sides of houses.  The hawks kill more lizards that man does. Folks, if you do not step on them or shoot them, they will be fine. Drill!

What the hell happened Jimmy?     Thanks Asshole

  1. Fed monetary policy is killing us. All commodities are priced in US dollars. The Fed needed money for debt service, Obummer’s heath care bill, bailouts, buying car companies, and all the imaginary “shovel ready” projects. What did they do? The Fed just fired up the presses and printed more money! Imagine the dollar is a piece of a pie. The pie has 10 slices and sells for $10.00.  Your slice of the pie is therefore is worth a dollar. Now here comes the geniuses at the Fed and from nowhere doubles the number of pie slices (dollars). Since each slice is now ½ the original size, your dollar (slice) is worth ½ of what it was.  There are two choices.  The pie must now sell for $20 dollars to maintain the original value of your slice or continue to sell the pie for $10.00 and accept that your slice is now worth $0.50 cents.
Speaking of the Fed, why were banks that were in trouble were told to simply add some zeroes to their balance sheets at the Fed!  They did not even bother to print any money!  I wish I could simply add some zeroes to MY bank account balances!  While on the subject, why in the hell is our National Federal Bank (with your dollars) making loans in the billions to foreign banks?
Atta boy Ben Bernanke!……..Thanks Asshole!

  1. Misguided “Energy" Experts
            Well folks, we are sitting on a sea of energy. Oil, gas and coal are abundant. It
would be easy (and relatively cheap) to convert fuel burning cars and coal fired generating plants to natural gas.  We have more energy than all of the Middle East combined, yet we send billions to our no so friendly friends.  The Obummer administration has made it impossible to look for new sources while giving subsidies to “green energy” companies.  (By the way, if wind, solar, electric cars are such a great deal, why do they need subsidies?  If these ideas were worth a damn, private enterprise would already be doing it and for less money.)

Also, the Obummer Energy Secretary Chu has stated he would like to see gas at $10.00 per gallon or at least on par with Europe ($5-$6 per gallon) so people would be forced to use these “green” technologies.  We have this week heard that speculators are driving the price of crude upwards. They certainly contribute to the problem but the solution is simple according to an economist at TCU. Simply make the speculators take delivery of the oil.  Speculators are simply buying a contract that they will sell later.  The speculators would be gone overnight and the price of crude oil drops dramatically.

So there you have it. The failure of the Dept. of Energy to do it’s mandated job, Obummer’s anti domestic oil policies, the Fed’s monetary policies and speculators that bid the price up only because they are really greedy bastards that trade paper, not real oil.

Hey Secretary Chu!… Thanks Asshole

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