Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to Solve Illegal Immigration

This so damn simple I am ashamed for not thinking of it sooner. While talking to a friend of mine today I experienced an epiphany. Here is the solution:

Catch every illegal we can. When we have enough (which shouldn't take long), put'em on a bus to

Washington, D.C.  Imagine, hundreds of buses from each of 15 or twenty states all going to D.C.! 

Confiscate all the drugs and guns.

When they arrive at the Beltway, give them back the guns and drugs and let them go.  Maybe in front of the Justice Department would be a good place,  "Y'all enjoy the weather now, hear?"

This plan has numerous advantages. The locals no would longer have to foot the bill for jail and food, crime would drop, the word would get out not to come here so the problem over time would diminish, it would free up the court systems, the FEDS would have to deal with the problem that they have refused to acknowledge.

The illegals get a free bus trip anyway- just not to where they had planned.

The only problem I can foresee is that D.C. already has so many criminals (some wearing suits), it may take the illegals a while to get noticed.

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