Monday, June 13, 2011

Crock of Crap #2 - Cap and Trade (aka Cap and Tax)

Global Warming ties directly to “cap and trade”.  Earth is supposedly heating up so cut greenhouse gasses or tax them (i.e.: carbon emission permits).  The truth is that it is OK to put as much crap in the air as you want to as long as you are willing to pay for it.  The Kyoto Treaty (sponsored by the U.N.) basically said that everyone would cut carbon emissions.  The USA did not sign it and with good reason.  The huge carbon emitters such as Zimbabwe, Sudan, Ethiopia and such wanted to sell their permits to pollute to the USA while China, Russia, India, and the like laughed their collective asses off because they had to do nothing to break the back of the US economy.  As of right now, the Chicago Board of Trade (among others) has a trading desk for these permits.  Organized crime has already infiltrated these markets and there are several investigations going on, mostly in Europe.

NOTE: The U.S. Congress is considering taxing the flatulence from cows.  A COW FART TAX!  Of course, the farmer pays the tax (as they do in parts of Europe and Scandinavia), and you, the consumer pay for all of this at the market. Enjoy your steak.

Hey Obummer!    Thanks Asshole.

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