Monday, June 13, 2011

Foriegn Policy. You Mean We Have One?

May 19, 2011

Israel:  President Obummer is a dumbass!  For now, let’s look at what he did today.  He showed his sympathy for the Muslims and his disdain for the Israelis.  Yep, he showed his Muslim roots. 

He said that for peace in the Mideast to happen, Israel must give up the territory it won in past wars.  HUH?  Wars, all of which, Israel did not start.

So now, our dumbass president wants to let the terrorist move closer to Israel so they can more accurately shoot Katusha rockets at schools and playgrounds.  Is it any wonder that the US is held in contempt by most other countries?

We do not keep our word, we do not help our friends, we change policies to suit us without warning or consultation, and we turn on our friends when it suits us.

Is it any wonder that given Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, and now Israel that the conclusion is that in the Mid-East, is that it may not pay to be our buddy.  At least if you are our enemy, you will know where you stand!

(By the way, did you know that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was a member of an organization that supported the PLO when she was in college?  Did you know that she has had her picture taken making nice with PLO leader (now deceased) Yassar Arrafat?
Did you know that she was on the Board of Directors of a foundation that gave loans to the PLO and personally recommended a few of those loans?  Did you know that Hillary advises the dumbass in the White House?)

Meanwhile, the countries that make no secret about hating the USA are given a free pass.  Iran, Syria and Libya get trade sanctions, big deal.  They get whatever they want from Russia, China, France and Germany anyway.

Thanks Asshole!

Libya: Speaking of Libya, Libya’s Quadaffi is a son of a bitch that hates the US and we try to make nice with this murderer.  We should have taken him out years ago.  Now the rebels want our help to get rid of this SOB and we ho-hum about it.  Yep, we help our friends.

The Libyan government, after we discovered oil there, drilled all of the oil wells, built the refineries, built the shipping ports, decided they owned all of that stuff.  They kicked the US out and nationalized the oil infrastructure. Overnight, all that now belonged to the Libyan state.  We should have blown up everything we built, plugged or blown up the wells and the ports and left nothing to sell but scrap metal.  Let the bastards eat sand! 

Much later, we find out that Libya was behind the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 that killed over 200 Americans.  Not only did Libya mastermind the bombing, but gave safe haven to the assholes who did the dirty work.  We should have eliminated the bastard then. But no, we felt the need to negotiate!

How’s this for a Libyan policy, “Hey Asshole, we missed you the first time but we are coming back.  You figure out when.”

Thanks Assholes!

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