Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Boeing aircraft v. The NLRB and Unions

Boeing Aircraft:  The Machinist Union has filed suit against Boeing Aircraft because they built a plant in South Carolina that plans to use non-union labor.

I understand that Boeing talked with the union before the decision was made to try to work out a deal, but the union said “screw you”.  Now the union is whining (as they all do) because they did not get their way.

I, for one, am damned glad they want to keep a plant in the US and hire American labor.  I guess they could have built plants in Mexico and Canada like the “American” car companies.

The fact that Boeing has already invested hundreds of millions of dollars seems to make no difference to these morons.  The pro union NLRB, which is supposed to be neutral, is hearing the case on behalf of the Unions demanding that Boeing hire union members. 

Damn, I thought if I wanted to work I could.  If I wanted to join a union, I could. If I wanted to tell the Federal government to “shove it”, I could.

Since when does the Federal government get off telling a private company who they can hire and where they can build a plant?

To the job killers in Washington...Thanks Assholes!

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