Monday, June 13, 2011

Crock of Crap #4: Immigration:

I wish I had said that:  Calling an illegal alien an “undocumented worker” is like calling a drug dealer an “unregistered pharmacist”!

First, close the border, all borders. If we catch you over here illegally the first time, we will incarcerate you (on a work farm) for 30 days then send you back to your point of entry.  The second time, we will put you on a work farm for 6 months then send you back to your point of entry. . The third time plan on a work farm for a year.  You will not be sending any money back to momma and the ninos. You will be picking up trash on the highway, cleaning parks, maintaining community buildings, scrubbing bathrooms, etc. in exchange for our hospitality.  Then we will send you back to your point of entry.

Second:  You have contributed nothing to Social Security or Medicare or the US Treasury.  Therefore, you are not eligible to receive benefits.  You pay no taxes, therefore, your children are not eligible for a free education or a free anything else.  Go home!

Third:  If you are a trader or smuggler of illegals, we will shoot you then put your hide on a fencepost with the rest of the “Coyotes”..

Fourth:  If you hire illegals, your business will be shut down for 30 days and you will pay a hefty fine. The second time, you will go to jail with the illegals and your business will be closed for a year.  You want Juan for a roommate?

Fifth:  Repeal the 14th amendment.  For those who do not know, the 14th amendment is the one that gives citizenship to babies born in the U.S.  It was intended (and worded) to enable freed slaves and their offspring to automatically be a U. S. citizen.  However, like so many laws, it has become corrupted to include anyone born on U.S. soil.  Obviously, we no longer have slaves (except the US Taxpayer), the amendment is no longer needed.  Send the little babies and their baby factory mothers back home.

Sixth:  Leave it to the hospitals as to whether or not they want to treat illegals.  No Pay?  Go away! The same goes for schools.

Seventh: Become a citizen:  Enter the country legally with a permit or visa. You must have a sponsor and you must have a clean health report (remember Ellis Island?)  Your permit is renewable yearly at any police station, post office or INS station. You will have 5 years to learn English and to take your citizenship test. If you pass, you and your family will become citizens.  If you fail the test, you can take the test again within 6 months.  If you do not pass, you will be deported for 2 years at which time you can re-apply and the process will start over

Ms. Secretary Napolitano.......Thanks Asshole

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