Monday, June 13, 2011

Crock of Crap #3: The United Nations:

Oh Shit!  They want to convene meetings to bad mouth the USA so all of the third world countries that get US help and aid can rant and rail against the hand that feeds them and vote against the USA in the UN.

Did you know that the UN wants to regulate gun ownership on an international scale and the Obummer Administration has already signaled they would support this move.  (see the Obummer’s Czar list)

When we were sending food (another UN program) to Ethiopia (they have not learned you can’t grow anything in a friggin’ desert), the fat cats were charging us to unload at their ports and then the Ethiopian fat cats and warlords were stealing the food to sell on the black market.

The UN is simply a meeting place for poor countries to come begging for or extort money from the ones that have a little.  I have a message for the beggars.  Go home to your piss ant backwards country. You have nothing we want or need and we sure as hell do not need you to tell us how to run our country,

We need to get out of the UN, kick them out of the US (after they pay all of their traffic fines) and send them to some fun loving country like France.

Without the US paying dues the UN would fall apart in 24 months.  Then we sell the building to Donald Trump and VIOLA, a new casino and hotel on the New York waterfront.

Thanks Assholes!

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