Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dear Mr. President - It's the JOBS stupid!

Dear BO,

I understand that you have two problems, everything you say and everything you do! The Economy - by
every measurable standard is in the crapper.  Every dollar you have taken out of the economy has come
from someone's pocket.  That someone is the taxpayer. Let me explain free market capitalism to you. 

If I, and a few million taxpayers,  bought a few things from company X, guess what would happen? Company X would need to expand.

This means involving bankers (who hire staff, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space),  lawyers (who hire staff, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space), title people (who hire staff, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space), real estate people  (who hire staff, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space), architects (who hire staff, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space). Now the preliminaries are taken care of, Build the building.

You will need:  A dirt contractor (bulldozers, scrapers, surveyors all using heavy equipment) equipment operators, the manufacturer that built the equipment (that hire workers and staff, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy plant space), plumbers (who hire workers, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space), steel erectors (who hire workers, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space), brick layers (who hire workers, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space), electricians  (who hire workers, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space), mechanical contractors (who hire workers, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space), glass contractors (who hire workers, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space), trucking companies (who hire workers, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space), paving contractors  (who hire workers, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space), floor contractors (who hire workers, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space), and the sign contractors (who hire workers, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space).

Company X would now hire managers and employees. Company X would have to buy advertising from a paper or TV station or an ad agency all of which (you guessed it!) hires workers, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, rent or buy office space.

Company X would also have to buy its' inventory from many manufacturers, all of whom (you guessed it again!) hire workers, buy supplies and equipment, advertise, and rent or buy office space.  Hopefully there are a few left in the USA that your tax and trade policies have not driven to China.

Think of all of the genius and effort that went in to these enterprises by ordinary people with extraordinary goals.

I, and a few million other taxpayers would buy a few new things - if we had a job or had any money left after you finish taking it away with taxes, fees and government giveaways.

It's the Jobs, stupid!

Economics 101:  All  working people pay taxes. The more people that are working he more revenue the government gets. All non- working people consume tax revenue. Every dollar you take out of working man's pocket  to give to someone who does not work means the working folks buy less and less from Company X.  The more money you take away from Company X means less expansion, fewer employees, fewer benefits and less inventory.

While in theory, taking from the rich and giving to the poor (your social justice and wealth redistribution) sounds good to the dumb and poverty stricken, the simple fact is that this theory does not work and has never worked. Look around!  The USSR, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Romania, Croatia, Georgia,
and others have all undertaken the socialist experiment you advocate and all have failed, are failing or will fail.

The reason for this failure lies in human nature.  All people are not equally smart, nor do they equally work hard, nor do they equally consume,  and so forth.  Until they do, socialism will fail. This is human nature.
I submit that that only God can change human nature and in spite of the high opinion you have have of yourself and the low opinion you have of all others, you are not God.

Simply put, BO, get the government out of the way, stick your green agenda up your ass, call off your regulatory goons, quit spending money like a drunken sailor (at least the sailor quits when he runs out of money) and let the private citizen take care of the economy. He, at least knows what he is doing!

You, sir, have never managed a Taco Bell.

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